Home About Me and Homelab Topology

About Me and Homelab Topology

Hi! My name is Brandon Ochoa!

…tech enthusiast, night owl, full time student of life, coffee addict…

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I find myself in a situation that I’m sure most others can relate to. That situation being when you spend all day and all night working on some projects, developing some new skills, playing with that new-found software, language, server hardware, etc. The problem is, you’re just having too much fun with it and you just don’t stop hacking away at whatever it is you are doing. Sooner or later, you are more or less done with that project or whatever it is you are working on for now, and you move on to the next adventure in your tech curiosity. When this happens, you find yourself a year or more later and realize you are trying to remember that cool piece of code you used, or that setting you changed, or that command line tool just right for the job, which leaves you stuck scratching your brain trying to remember. It’s important to realize that documenting all the cool fun stuff you are working with is just as vital as that cool fun stuff itself. I’m aiming to correct this aspect of my past, current, and future tech adventures and share them all with everyone here!

Homelab Topology

I’ve been homelabbing for years now. Over those years, I have accumulated plenty of details I want to share about the things I have done. However, I will leave the specifics of those details to my individual posts where I will drill into those topics. I would like to use this space, here on this page, as an opportunity to share the overall topology of my homelab in which I operate.

HomeLab Topology


Other than the Topology for my homelab, I wanted to also give another brief overview of what I believe to be another significant part of my infrastructure. This next topology describes how to publish services on the internet by using CloudFlare as a proxy service, custom DNS records, a purchased domain, and a reverse proxy service such as NGINX.

Services Topology

Author Note

If you have made it to the bottom of this page, then I want you to know that this page and the “About” tab is the same content. I realize that this is redundant, but it was important to me that this overview and “about me” was at least viewed by visitors, if anything.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.